Packaging Natural and Organic Products In Plant-Based Plastic Jars

Organic products are more popular than ever with consumer demand routinely showing double-digit growth each year. Despite the higher price-point often assigned to these products, their market share is steadily increasing as more consumers find themselves concerned about their health, the environment, and animal rights. Unfortunately, that means competition to control this section of the market is steep. Your product and your packaging have to offer the quality and sustainability that customers expect from organic products if you want to stay competitive.

Achieving the Organic Look

Packaging and branding organic products is an important step to creating a recognizable brand that consumers trust. Those are the first things that they see and touch, so that first impression is crucial to the overall success of your product. As such, you want to aim for durable packaging that sends a clearly established message. Here are just five ways that you can improve your current packaging

  1. Minimize Your Packaging

When it comes to natural or organic products, it is best to avoid over-packaging. Most successful organic brands put as few layers of packaging as possible between their consumers and the product. This minimalism speaks of your commitment to reducing waste production. 

  1. Let the Product Speak for Itself

If you have an aesthetically attractive product, then show it off. Clear plastic offers a great way for your customers to view your product without sacrificing durability. However, if your product isn’t particularly eye-catching, then opting for a complete shrink sleeve is usually better as they offer a 360-degree branding space. 

  1. Only Use Sustainable Materials

When consumers buy natural or organic products, they are buying into a lifestyle based on their conscience. The expectation is that the manufacturers of natural and organic products feel the same way. As a result, it is important that you only use sustainable materials in your packaging. Recyclable paper and biodegradable plastic jars are both viable options depending on the type of product. 

  1. Implement Tamper Evident Seals

Consumers who buy natural and organic products also tend to be health-conscious. They’re concerned about pollutants and their long-term effects on the human body. Therefore, safety should be a primary concern. The good news is that it is actually really easy to provide your customers with peace of mind. All you need to do is add a tamper-evident shrink band to the lid of your products.

  1. Use Natural Colors

Although primary colors may be flashier, they don’t generally send the message that organic product consumers are drawn towards. In an effort to evoke the product’s natural qualities, earthy greens and browns are the colors most commonly used on organic packaging. It is a good idea to work at least one of these into the art printed on your packaging, but you may also draw inspiration from the ingredients that make your product special. 

Applying the Organic Look to a Wide Range of Products

The universe of organics is growing. It may have started with food, but it is quickly expanding to every product that comes into contact with our bodies. Cosmetics represents one of the largest of these new markets. Fortunately, all of the same packaging techniques can be applied to inedible products with a slight twist. 

For example, producers of organic cosmetics can easily recreate the organic look by buying bulk apothecary products, including eco-friendly cosmetic jars, low-profile plastic jars, and tamper-evident shrink bands. By simply choosing the right color schemes and always sticking with sustainable packaging, you can be sure that your product will fit your target consumer’s expectations and their budget. 

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